Jasmine Ahmed

Vice President, Global Finance Integration and Capabilities

The Coca-Cola Company

Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been ~Wayne Gretsky

Executive focused on turning the pace of change into a competitive advantage for organizations, teams, and individuals. Jasmine has built a brand for building exceptional future back talent to deliver strategic priorities which accelerate sustainable growth agendas while supporting current business results across a wide range of global industries. Jasmine is known for advising executives on embracing technology disruption to shift the paradigm and unleash the power of human capital. She is known for inspiring talent at all levels to commit on the change agenda to deliver customer and employee centric outcomes which achieve organizational and personal success. Over the past decade, her in-depth transformation expertise across operating model, talent, technology, and data has allowed her to reinvent the way 20K+ employees work to deliver $120M+ benefits per annum.