Peter Cotton

Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer

Crunch Lab

My writing is at
My open source work is at
My "thanks for reaching out" is at

After building out Microprediction for several years when I could, I officially joined Crunch Lab as Chief Scientific Officer and Head of Enterprise Data to pursue the vision in my book full time. It's been an exciting merger and if you're a portfolio manager looking for a unique tool you'll want to see what we've built for you already. I lead the development of real-time crowd-enhanced data feeds for algorithmic trading and also the continuation of other efforts undertaken with the Microprediction community including the index-beating and its generalizations.

For the "crunchers" out there (our non-tribal way of referring to machine learning experts, statisticians, quants and anyone who thinks mathematics is useful) we offer you a way to host your algorithms and turn your technical acumen into ongoing income streams. I hope to see you at with thousands of your brethren.